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Monday, March 29, 2010
3:16 AM

Yo people! (=.kae i open my blog back coz everytime wana go nidda sign in.leceh! kae so yea
mondae rot at home do housework and all that do some homewrok (= then watch teevee all the way;D
tuesday (=
went out wit della...sad hana cnt go coz she go out wif her cuzzies.
so went tmall..we go shopping.i bought my sissy baby nyer cap damn cute sia!we went kiddy palace pastu menggeramXD then gi aries(= bought earrings and della wanted to buy this large key necklace but dunnoe want so after tht went tamp 1 go sasa buy my celak then the salesperson kept asking me "do u wan to buy the make up removal.. then i said i have aldy then she sae u wanna look at the mascara then i said no thnx then i said thank you then she back off hehe.then go times then more than words then disney then went back to tmall della go aries n buy the necklace(at last!) lols Namirah aso got the same necklace lol.then go jln2 all the way up then buy water then go home coz i got training.but in da end nvr go hehe i sleep n aso my leg pain o.o
go geylang wif mum n kak noi...then shop3 till drop ..
go umah mandak visit her coz she jus had 2 operation which i had no idea bout XD then tok3 then homed.then abng wan came aiyo kena kacau.
home ,housechores then yea bleah...
go fetch dad from airport...he go jordon for 1 week...lol sissy blanje me to choco!! hehe
sunday morning and afternoon rot at home.at nite go airport eat at polar.
nv go skewl...i didnt sleep the whole nite coz i drank latte at polar then i was hyper at nite.then in da murning got headache.then my bro say he was home but he went out at 4.30 AM go atm oO then i told my mum he didnt came home then he speechless! WOOTS!XD then sleep frm 7 to 2.30 then wash clothes then watch teevee all the way.
skewl home tuition
skewl cca home (=
skewl home stadium...so bleah...
ony cheering coz raining the more we cheer the louder the thunder gets 0.o
then fri
skewl home tuition home
home all the way
home all the way
skewl home go shop do the paper mache(= now palyinh comp !
so yea buybyez!