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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
4:40 AM

Hell0!!! have not been blogging for awhile...i noe coz ym sister got married and been busy wif exams zzz...kk at last exmas finish phew! den today go e!hub play bowling wif weili they all...guess wat 2e3 wa there zzz...beside us...luckily our last game ...den we chiao-ed.go to ain they all at our "studio" den slack there take pic n go to sumwhere...take neoprint den chiao-ed...meet hana they all at NTUC...hana go buy her facial (: then go home...i met my mum at the hairdresser there..buy bubble tea,eat fries then go home alone...top up my e-zlink and went home...watch tv,sleep now blogging...got sume pictures to show you!!!((btw,my sisters weding was a success!!!!!!!!)) AIYO! NOW PICS CNT BE UPDATED....DARN IT!
another time kaes...sorri gtg

Sunday, May 10, 2009
8:41 PM


OUR STAR(a little bit retard)


got sumore but my laptop lagging -.-''
Saturday, May 9, 2009
1:40 AM

so for the past few days had not been blogging coz studying for exams (:so today went to kakikaki...i was pampered..so i do foot massage.nicenice (:for 40 minutes (: so read magazine when doing massage...den after tht wait for my sister to finish her body massage -.-'' but then go sumwhere else wif my mum (:...then my sis finish aldy go tkc to shop...my mum bought staff from dunnoe wat the shop name (: then i bought choc ice cream then bought donut at donut empire yummy!!! then shop again then went home....wash clothes then read mind map then now blogging (:(:
got to chiao bb!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
2:29 AM

kk so ytd go n watch 17 again wif JURAH!!!so the story plot quite oklah..then ju go fondu buy waffle.den her fren came and she said to her fren dun tell anione she was wearing______.
then go my auntie hse to meet my mum n pray...den mum n dad ask ju to come and eat.so she dun wan i was pulling her to come so i called my dad.then she come zzz...eat eat eat ..then go tampines 1..want to buy ju present (: then go more than words then to times then to more than words then to disney then to more than words....aiyo...then ju bought tis mp3 speaker...I BOUGHT FOR HER (: then go uniglo wanted to buy shirt but damn expensive -.-''.then go home.bus-ed home taking 293 ju go take 39 (: then go home play comp for awhile..den prayed then sleep at 7.15 woke up at 9.10 then sleep back then all the way sleep untill 8.3o zzz...
then now computer-ing :)
gtg lah mum come home aldy